
3 Workspace Conditions that Impact Employee Security Awareness

You can purchase, install, and implement the greatest security systems in the world, but without employee security awareness – the knowledge and understanding of the big picture by your team – the sanctity of your business is at risk.

There are so many day-to-day distractions and office conditions that fly under the radar that can directly impact this awareness, throwing the whole ball of wax off-kilter.

Here are just three workspace conditions that your team should be made aware of as you chart your company’s course for 2022 and beyond.

  1. Concentration: Particularly in the wake of a years-long pandemic, security shakeups can simply result from your on-site team experiencing sleepless nights, anxiety, office upheaval, and more – especially when these things are paired with the already intense needs of the work at hand. Disruptions and distractions in the workplace can contribute to carelessness, leading to false alarms, falling asleep at the wheel, and so much more. Take time to evaluate your office space, tweaking where necessary, and regularly discuss employee security awareness and all related protocols with your team.
  2. Consistency: Sometimes, the problem isn’t that we’re too anxious, it’s that we’re too comfortable. When we become too complacent in our roles, when everything becomes too familiar – we can occasionally operate on autopilot. We go through the motions almost unconsciously, and when this happens – security breaches can follow. Reviewing the importance of employee security awareness and implementing engagement strategies and deadlines can help, in part, to alleviate these concerns. Most importantly, enlisting the help of a quality security vendor is integral. By implementing – and integrating – state-of-the-art systems throughout your workspace, you can take the impetus off of your team, and ensure that countermeasures are in place to take up the slack.
  3. Communication: Meetings about employee security awareness should emphasize the importance of access control, and what is and is not company protocol. Highlight potential dangers, such as allowing unfamiliar visitors to “tailgate” on the heels of authorized personnel. A trustworthy security vendor can help you choose and implement a top-notch access control system, the cornerstone of any commercial facility. Keep in mind: access control is not only about who enters and exits your business, but how to regularly monitor and keep tabs on all guests, while improving efficiencies via mobile credentials that help you save time, money, and stress.

Your employees are your business’s most pivotal asset. Employee security awareness is the lynchpin that keeps them and their work safe and secure. Routine discussions with your staff are important to keep everyone in the loop, up to date, and productive as your company’s security needs grow and change. Secom can integrate exemplary security measures for your company that make the process simple, straightforward, and stress-free. We’ll make certain your business is safe, so you never have to be sorry. Contact us today to learn more.