
It’s not a vacation if you’re persistently preoccupied with what your team is doing, who has access to your buildings, and whether or not your facility is really, truly secured when you are miles and miles away. But integrated, intuitive security systems can assuage those concerns, and keep you on the fast track to recreation.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Manage ALL of your sites remotely: Imagine: you’re kicking back at the shore in the thick of a good book, or busy reeling in a prize catch … and the phone rings. Relentlessly. Until you have no choice but to abandon the fun to put out some fires. Work-related crises and/or confusion can put the kibosh on that much-needed R&R really quick. Don’t let disruptions ruin your fun in the sun. Cloud-based access control and video surveillance systems can be managed from the boat, the RV, the hotel, or the beach house, and virtually anywhere else in the world via an Internet connected device.
  2. Think about “Key West” not your facility’s keys: Integrated, intuitive security systems make access control a snap by eliminating the endless headaches and hassle of keys and codes. While you’re gone – and even when you’re on-site – you can feel free to grant approved delivery drivers and vendors access to certain doors and entrances for specific times and even add and restrict authorizations and mobile credentials at a moment’s notice. You have the power to see who is coming and going at your facility – any of your facilities – in the palm of your hand.
  3. Come back to boosted productivity: You’ve no doubt heard the old adage: “when the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Integrated, intuitive security systems deliver a better – if not mousetrap, per se – mouse monitoring system for your company. Which isn’t to say that your team is guilty of malfeasance, but employees who know they are being monitored – even when the boss is out of town – tend to up their game, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity overall. Integrated, cloud-based security systems allow you to keep close tabs on the innerworkings of your facilities, providing you with peace of mind that team members are where they are supposed to be, when they say they’re going to be there.
  4. Let cooler heads prevail: While you’re out baking in the sun (in a good way), you can make certain your team is cool and comfy while they work thanks to smart thermostat systems paired with your integrated, intuitive security systems. Such systems essentially “learn” your preferred heating and cooling patterns and automatically adjust over time to manage comfort levels from room to room, boost efficiencies, and lower your utility bill.

Even security vendors take a vacation from time to time. Getting away and getting recentered is an integral part of being a property or facility manager. Secom is in the business of helping commercial owners and managers develop integrated, intuitive security systems for multiple properties, helping to take the stress and guesswork out of planning for those days you’re not on-site.

Our team specializes in comprehensive systems integration that can be managed using a single platform from virtually anywhere in the world. Reach out to us today for a free quote and ask about our in-house financing.