
The Top 3 Benefits of Enlisting a UL 2050 Security Provider

* Updated on November 11, 2020.

Choose a Certified UL 2050 Security Provider for Optimal SCIF Protection

Established in 1993, UL 2050 certification refers to an industry-wide standard for the monitoring, signal processing, investigation, servicing, and operation of alarm systems that have been issued a national industrial security system (or CRZH) certificate by the Underwriters Laboratory.

The security industry and its providers must adhere to this standard in order to service U.S. government facilities and defense contractors processing classified information and/or military intelligence.

A UL 2050 designation is critical for providers offering services for Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities (SCIFs), containers, and closed rooms.

For Facility Security Officers (FSOs), enlisting the services of an uncertified provider can be costly. During SCIF pre-inspections and initial government approval, if something is found to not meet the strict requirements, the installation may have to be dismantled and reinstalled from scratch using a certified company.

UL 2050 security providers must be able to provide your SCIF/area with three primary protections, as outlined in Intelligence Community Standard ICD705, NISPOM, and JAFAN.

  1. Intrusion detection – UL 2050 security providers must be able to provide unparalleled defense for all access points of a SCIF/area, including walls, doors, vents, and windows; equipping the room with industry standard motion detectors – both ceiling-mounted motion and directional – as well as level 2 door contacts.
  2. Signal processing – Should any SCIF alarms be triggered, the signal is processed by the SCIF’s Central Processing Unit, and a 128-bit encrypted signal is generated.
  3. Signal monitoring – Encrypted signals are sent to central monitoring facilities authorized by the Underwriters Laboratory and the Department of Defense (DoD). These Central Stations hold a Cage Code covering cleared operators to process your signals as required.

UL 2050 certified security providers must also perform the required semi-annual inspections for secure facilities, and most can directly issue all UL certificates quickly within 24 hours and without the need for a third party’s involvement.

Precise guard response times are also critical for FSOs, who are charged with keeping agencies compliant and secure. When hiring a UL 2050 security provider, it is critical to find a firm that can guarantee adherence to 15, 20, and 30-minute mandatory response times, as outlined in the NISPOM, ICD705, and JAFAN, which explain the Physical Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities and closed areas.

Secom, LLC, has more than 50 years of cumulative experience as a UL 2050 security provider. Our Top Secret and Secret personnel can execute all aspects of design, installation, and service of SCIFs, secured containers, alarmed rooms, and closed areas. Our ability to provide UL 2050 /DoD monitoring services and guard response on existing systems gives us a tremendous advantage.

Additionally, our crews regularly provide UL 2050 and DoD services to existing SCIFs, typically with no upfront costs, and with annual fees that are among the lowest in the industry. 

Why a UL 2050 Security Provider Matters More than Ever in 2020

Working from home became the norm for a significant segment of the American population back in March.

But there were just as many essential workers who reported to the frontline each day, from medical professionals to grocers – and, of course, those in the national security field.

And while the Defense Department was reported to have nearly one million teleworkers as of the beginning of August – a huge increase from only months prior – work of a classified nature still had to be carried out within a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF. The size and nature of the mission largely dictated the ability to do so over the course of the last eight months.

SCIFs can range in size from a traditional conference room to facilities encompassing entire buildings, and ingenuity has been essential for FSOs charged with protecting their workforce, and the classified intelligence their SCIF had been designed to protect. A number of new protocols have been implemented in recent months, from alternating schedules, enhanced sanitation, and making PPE readily available to classified personnel.

More challenging – but far from unattainable – has been, and will be, all necessary modifications to filtration, airflow, and sanitation practices and systems, to ensure the continued safety and wellbeing of our defense employees.

And while the pandemic has in many ways forced the defense industry to think outside of the box in terms of teleworking and other safety protocols, SCIFs will still be an essential tool post-pandemic, and their construction will be entrusted to certified UL 2050 security providers and specialists. 


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