
Why Invest in Both Physical and Cyber Security for Your Business?

Pursuing fully-integrated physical and cyber security for your business has quickly become the rule, not the exception.

Physical security systems, as we know, have long been essential for small businesses and commercial enterprises. The seamless implementation of alarms and access controls are critical safeguards against break-ins, theft, vandalism, and more.

Over the last decade or so, however, cyber security has become the buzzword on the lips and minds of business and property owners nationwide. The onslaught of cybercrime is growing by leaps and bounds – with 2018 being a red-letter year for hacks, attacks, and high-profile data breaches.

In spite of these attacks, the Internet of Things (IoT) culture is also on the rise. The epitome of a double-edged sword, these state-of-the-art devices and solutions offer a wealth of convenience and efficiency for various commercial infrastructures, while also being subject to myriad vulnerabilities.

Like IoT, physical security systems that have been made better thanks to advances in IT – such as alarms, CCTV, and access control; all automated and operable via smartphone – are now also subject to breaches, themselves.

Likewise, a physical breach can have cataclysmic consequences on a company’s network, if desktops, laptops, or cellphones are stolen, infiltrated, and/or otherwise compromised.

Because of this, physical security and cyber security must no longer be viewed as mutually exclusive options. Instead, they should be viewed as sharing an almost symbiotic relationship – with one reinforcing the other at all times. Cyber security for your business, in particular, can be integrated to provide immediate alerts and expedited incident response to physical systems.

It is important to consult with a security contractor to discuss the ways in which your systems can be integrated efficiently.

Physical security systems for your business or organization can include any or all of the following:

  • Alarm
  • Access Control
  • CCTV
  • Building Control
  • Visitor Entry and Management

When investigating cyber security options for your business, a security operations and incident response platform should be sought out that provides the following:

  • Live asset visibility: Map out your network, keep an eye on all connected devices and pinpoint those that become targeted immediately.
  • Lateral spread response: Receive threat alerts in real time and instantly neutralize compromised devices.
  • Managed detection response: 24/7/365 coverage allows your team to focus on its mission objectives.

Secom, LLC, has more than 50 years of security design, implementation, and service experience. Our technicians regularly provide companies and government agencies throughout the nation with state-of-the-art solutions, and we can walk you through the multiple benefits of investing in both physical and cyber security for your business simultaneously.

Chat with a live agent online or request a quote today.